More then you probably want to know….

About me.

First I am old… add to that opinionated, and I lack filters…my mouth moves faster then my brain can catch up with and I am rarely sorry for the things I say. Thought I should be up front with the negatives… Now on to my positives, I love the people I love without reservation. I am a patriot, I support our military, I am Pro life, I pray, I am generous with my time and what few talents I have. I am not an angel nor am I the devil… somewhere in between.

I was born in 1952 and existed in Rome, NY until I was 18 yrs old. Though the years after the age of 16 are a bit murky there. My parents were not the best.. my mother was in an unhappy marriage with a drunk and a woman beater, my father and died when I was 16, the for mentioned father ran off with a bar hag a couple of weeks after my mother died leaving my 6 yr old sister and I to fend for ourselves… my paternal grandmother stepped in and took my sister but I was left to find my own way… and I did. My path wasn’t always straight but I am happy with where it took me and like me today.

Over the years I had many marriages and many adventures.. some of which I am sure I will blog about here and there along the way. So many people have asked me to write a book about my adventures and my funny stories so this will be as close as I get to that. I will say this right here I am blessed to have the best husband a girl could want for the last 35 yrs, he spoils me, he works hard and he loves our kids and grandkids.. with his whole heart. Phil Curriere you lifted me up and let me find and be me… YOU ARE MY HERO.

Ahhh the kids… there are 4, my sister is their biological mom, but she is a crack addict and the 3 boys lived me for most of their young lives and Phil and I have been parenting all 4 since they were very young. I am so proud of the 2 older ones and what they have made of their lives, one of the boys died of a sudden heart attack when he was 18, and the youngest boy and my sister are no longer welcome in my life.. both are very toxic selfish people.

So anyway most of this blog will be about Art and Crafts with some personal stuff thrown in. I am in a few, more then a few Facebook groups all art related so I am pretty much addicted to learning new things and creating all sorts of art…

So welcome to my insanity,,,,,,,,LOL